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Da-Lite 88514 88514 Contour Electrol Motorized Front Projection Screen - 120 x 160

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Da-Lite 88514 88514 Contour Electrol Motorized Front Projection Screen - 120 x 160 Empty Da-Lite 88514 88514 Contour Electrol Motorized Front Projection Screen - 120 x 160

ตั้งหัวข้อ  Admin Mon Dec 24, 2012 5:22 pm

Da-Lite 88514 88514 Contour Electrol Motorized Front Projection Screen - 120 x 160 415KF%2BtC8oL
Super Saver 88514 Features: -Tab guide cable system maintains even lateral tension to keep surface flat while custom slat bar with added weight maintains vertical tension..-Screen surface retracts completely in the case for the clean, modern appearance when screen just isn't in use..-For easy installation, the Tensioned Contour Electrol is available with SCB-100 and SCB-200 (RS-232 serial control board), Low Voltage Control unit, Silent Motor, Silent Motor with Low Voltage Control or Video Projector Interface built in the case..-Front projection surfaces standard with black backing for opacity.. Options: -With its stylish curved aluminum extruded case available either in black, white or graphite finish, the Tensioned Contour Electrol is a good looking addition to any installation..


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Join date : 24/12/2012


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